A Free Way to Support Your Favorite Authors

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Did you know that you can suggest your local library carry a specific book? It's true.

The library doesn't just have to carry boring old books about gardening, philosophy, and dead presidents that most people have long forgotten (yeah, William Henry Harrison, I'm talking about you).

Your local library also doesn't only have to carry the prominent-name authors that everyone says are still good when you know they're going to be disappointing. Help people discover your favorite authors by suggesting your local library stock their titles.

Sometimes you can jump online to your library's website to request this.  Please note that you will need the book's ISBN.  That's the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).  It's 13 digits and can be found when you search the book online.  Or your librarian can help look that number up for you.

Isn't that a cool idea?

If you suggest one of my books, that's great, but this is a more general call to action.  Help your favorite authors reach a broader audience.

Everybody wins when people read!