I love crime fiction movies above every other genre. Okay, Rocky is my favorite movie, and that’s a sports drama, but the genre falls short compared to crime fiction. The same goes for crime fiction. I love the original Star Wars, but I’d rather watch any movie on the below list than A New Hope.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you watched the same movie twice—on back-to-back nights?
Read MoreAlong with books, I like movies, television, and music. Let me correct that. I LOVE those things—big heart emoji type of love. As such, I’ve wanted to make some ‘Best/Top’ lists for quite some time. This will be my first, and I thought I should start with a film genre that I love maybe more than any other—the ‘buddy cop’ film.
Read MoreRich, one of my frequent readers, posted a comment to me via Goodreads that ran along the line of, “Why do so many fictional detectives have failed marriages.”
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