I'm Late

As the White Rabbit said in Alice in Wonderland, “I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!” I should have mailed out this newsletter on Monday, but it’s getting to you today. Four days late.

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PersonalColin Conway
I Read 51 Books in 2022!

Several years ago, I started tracking my annual reading. I did this after learning how important the most successful individuals valued reading. I wrote several posts over on my personal finance blog, The Bumbling Millionaire. When I stepped back from that project to focus on my crime fiction writing, I didn’t want to lose track of the annual reading list. It felt too important.

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I'm a Movie Star!

I’m a movie star!

That might be hyperbole, but I am in a movie. Not a YouTube Short or an Instagram Reel that I filmed on my phone, but a real movie with a script, a director, and a film crew! It seems that I’m getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should slow down and explain how this all came about.

It all started when I was a kid.

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MoviesColin Conwayacting
On Writing Good

When I was in junior high school (the early ’80s), an English teacher handed out a page of funny writing rules. It didn’t attribute any authorship, so I always thought it was hers. I loved these guidelines so much that I kept them for many years until the paper became severely worn.

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WritingColin Conwaywriting